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A new kind of challenge, and a limited-time Promo Code!

Photo Friday · Sep-29-16 ·
I want to give you something new this week! Since Photo Friday is newly updated, I think it's time for a totally new kind of challenge.

This is The 7-Day Challenge #7_day_challenge:

The idea with this challenge is to commit to taking an original photo every day for seven days, and share each photo the same day you take it. What you photograph is totally up to you!

Can you shoot the same subject, over seven days, and create different interpretations each day? Are there seven people in your life you could do portraits of? Seven different parks in your town you could visit? What ideas can you come up with that will interest and motivate you over a 7-day series?

Just remember, like all our challenges, it's totally optional, and there's no wrong way to participate. Just keep taking pictures!

However, to help out a bit, we've got a limited-time Promo Code that will give you seven additional photo uploads! This code expires on Fri Oct 7th 2016 at 11:59 PM (USA Pacific time) so whatever you decide, just don't miss out on this code!


And enter the code:

I can't wait to see your photos!

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