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Membership and the Content Moderation phase

Photo Friday · Sep-22-16 ·
Hey gang!

It's been a week since the all-new Photo Friday went live, and what a thrill it is to see all the new members and all the gorgeous and fascinating photos being shared!! Welcome, one and all!!

I have just a few quick words about becoming a member on Photo Friday:

If you've already created your account (welcome!!) but you're still seeing a banner reminding you that you're in Content Moderation just know that it's super easy and fast to get an unmoderated account.


By uploading even a single photo to the site (heck, mark it as 'private' if you want, and no member of the public will ever see it) and make sure it conforms to our blissfully short sharing guideline. You can always delete it later.

That's it! Easy, right?

We review images from new members very quickly (often within an hour or two) and you'll get an email not only letting you know that you're now a full and unmoderated member of our community, but you'll also receive a special perk by way of a promo code. Now I'm not going to spoil it by saying what the perk is (you'll just have to try it and see!) but I know you'll like it! It's Photo Friday's way of welcoming you aboard!

Honestly, if you're happy being Moderated, more power to you! But you won't be able to post comments and that will make me sad. Moderation exists, unfortunately, because of spam bots and others who will try to take over a site like Photo Friday and make everyone on it miserable. I know Content Moderation is a bit of a pain, but the net result is a much safer and more enjoyable environment for us all!

Well, dear friends, have a wonderful weekend! I can't wait to see where you've been taking your cameras!

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