Dad 1925-2017
Here he is, impossibly young, studying his brains out at university, his entire life ahead of him.

He was a brilliant doctor, devout Catholic, champion of his community, and a man of immense and diverse talents.

#family #dad
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Jan 17 2017
Thank you, Steven.
marc · Dec 11 2019
A stellar example of "pillar of the community".
lefteyedview · Dec 6 2019
Thank you Ken. Your kind words mean a lot to me.
marc · Jan 18 2017
I hope you don't think this comment is an intrusion on your private thoughts. Please accept my condolences for your loss.
kenwhite · Jan 18 2017
As I look at his photo, I'm smiling, remembering how he'd answer friends when they'd ask him what I did for a living, "Oh... something with... computers."
marc · Jan 17 2017
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