Happy Birthday USA
Here in Texas it is not just #warm it's hot. But we expect Summer to be worthy of the name.
The offsite link is to a blog post with a short Independence Day birthday video. It's a little old school but then so am I. A new 2020 free photo calendar series started a week or so ago. Hope to do around 50 calendars this year. Have a great 4th of July and 24th if you know what that means.
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Jul 2 2019
Pioneer or tequila day? Good question. Being in Texas for nearly thirty years now tequila would be the answer for today. I am originally from Northern Utah where Pioneer Day was a big holiday when I was a kid and probably still is. I'm not a religious person but it is hard to escape cultural influences of childhood. Besides it was great fun, especially the year my aunt was a drum major in the local parade.
kenwhite · Jul 4 2019
Interesting and unusual collage of color and black and white image.
Today's July 4th, Independence Day,is known to many Germans.
On the 24th of July I had to google. What is important for you? Pioneer day or Tequila day?
- Peter
titus · Jul 4 2019
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