Border Wall
2.7k 4 4
Mar 4 2018
Ah, Fuji... figures! I've been on the fence about them for what feels like ages. These days 99.9% of my photography is with the iphone, but almost all my regular gear is Canon. Images like this, though, definitely keep nudging me over to Fuji.
marc · Mar 5 2018
Before I opened it I knew it was one of your pictures. Something with the light in your pictures that give it an extra touch.
tistof · Mar 5 2018
Thanks for the kind words. This is a digital image that was made with a Fuji XT-1. The X series cameras are superb for black and white work.
kenwhite · Mar 5 2018
This is absolutely remarkable, Ken! Digital? (Looks like film to me.)
marc · Mar 4 2018
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