Eclipse that Followed Me Home
Today a most amazing event occurred literally on my doorstep. A full annular eclipse crossed over my house at almost precisely high noon. Everyone in the neighborhood seemed to be looking into sky with their filter glasses to observe the sun.

Meanwhile the oak trees in my yard were filtering the sunlight into thousands of camera obscura images falling on my house. It was a glorious sensation. The eclipse had come to my house. Made me smile.
#seasons #moments #wonder
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Oct 14 2023
Fabulous! Love the shot. And lucky you!
les_online · Oct 16 2023
Love it. We couldn't see anything in the sky from our home in Houston, but those leaf shadows dancing on the fence, patio, and grass were so beautiful.
beckycochrane · Oct 15 2023
What a fascinating picture, -also the story behind it.
titus · Oct 15 2023
Fantastic image! The action really was on the ground, imo. Overcast here in the Sacramento suburbs, but it got to looking like twilight.
marc · Oct 14 2023
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